Thursday, September 29, 2011


An envelope arrived  today containing  3  capsules.

A fellow  South  African and  vermicomposter,  Peter,  from Natal,  very  kindly  despatched  some of  his  specimens  to  me.
The  capsules  contained  a  few  live baby  worms and  cocoons
The  baby  worms  did  not  survive  the  journey.

Here are the  cocoons

The  cocoons  look viable and there are  visible  worms  inside.

They  would  not  survive  in the  Irish  climate,  or  most  of the northern hemisphere.

These  lads  have  been put  into  fresh  vermicompost and  fresh  bedding and  put  into  the  dark at  26 Celsius. ( in a steel cage guarded by a Bengal Tiger)

Welcome  to............................................
LOL,  or  Vermi Park.

So what  is all the  fuss about?

Peter sent  me  Eudrilus  eugeniae and  Perionyx  excavatus.
As far  as  I  can ascertain, there are  no  known specimens  on this  Island,  nor  is  it  possible  to get  any  from commercial  sources, or  worm research  facilities.  Not  surprisingly  because they  would  be  useless here.  But, because  I have  never seen any, a  little  domestic  research is  warranted.

We  shall see  what  hatches  out !