Thursday, April 28, 2011

More on set up

Well  this  is what  it  looks  like.
Before  Ronnie  starts  screaming....It  keeps  it at  a  workable  height  for  now. The  second  box  down is  actually the  sump,  but  as  nothing  should  in theory  leak,  if  it  is  kept  indoors, it  should  be  OK,  only  time  will tell.   In a  month  not  one has  tried  to  exit  yet through the  bottom  and  it  has a small amount of  mould  on it.
The  other  trays are  useful for  holding  paper and  cardboard for  future  use.

Also, if  I am right, in the  correct conditions nothing  should  leak out. It  is  about  managing  the  environment. I  have added  water  by  spraying  the  top  layer when the top  layers of the  newspaper dry out.

My  house  stays at  16 to  18 Celsius,  so  I  keep it  by  the  rear  doors where it  gets  the  afternoon sun,  so  that  I  can get the  temperature  up.  It  has  peaked at  22C and  cools  down at  night  to  18c.

Hey  is  only an experiment!!!
I have the  time and  enthusiasm to  manage it.  I would  like to  see how how  productive it  can be. I  don't  have a  control in the  shed,  which  would  have  been a  useful comparison,  maybe  next  time.

An Aside.........
I  financed  this whole  escapade  with  an  un-budgetted  windfall  of  126 Euro from work.
H.R. people  being  as they,  are  asked  me  what  I was  going to  do  with the  cash?

When I  delightedly  explained  that  I  had  spent  it  on 400 worms,  there  was  shock  and  horror. (Larry  has  really  lost  the  plot  this  time)

"WHAT??!!!!!!  Did  you count  them??!!!"  the  HR Manager  asked
"Nope" I  replied.  " I had  500 names  in mind  and  I  have  100  left"  :)

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