Friday, April 29, 2011


Week   1

Set  it  up  as  below. The  first  night  a  lot  tried to  escape,  but  a  light  stopped  that and  pretty  calm the  rest  of  the  time.
Day  3,  I  put  some  of  their  supplied  food  in. There had  been some  worms on the  surface, so  I  thought  I would  give  it  a  try.  Just  a  handful  spread  on the  RHS half  a  cm thick. I  also  put a  soaked tabloid  newspaper on the  surface...fits  nicely!  After  a  day the  edges of  the  food   had  started  disappearing,  after  2 days  there were  holes  in the  middle.

I had  for  sometime  a  coffee jar  full of  rotten tomatoes stood  in the sun ( I was  going  to  put  this on the  bulbs  until  I started the  worm venture)  So  I poured  off most  of  the  liquid  and  spread the pulp  on the  LHS. 24 hrs  later  there  was a  mass  frenzy on that  side  of  the  bin.
A good  sign for  the  first  week.

Week 2

Well there are always  worms  on the  surface, so  I tried  lots  of  different  tit bits..all mouldy of  course.

Banana.. whole  one, black, rotten......didn't  last  long. (The  skin had  completely gone  after week 3)
Cheese..Stilton with  apricot,  semi so.
lettuce....OK..(moved around overnight  a  lot!)
Peppers,  red and  yellow....very  nice! second  only  to  banana.
Pumpkin (cooked)...... tasty

These are  all  subjective  opinions and  I  wish  my  camera  had  been working....Will promise  to  do  better!!.

At  the end  of  the  week a colleague  from work  brought  me  a  couple  of  handfuls  of  well  rotted  horse  manure from the  stables  next  door.  My  desire  for  lots  of  bugs  made  this a ' no  brainer'
I put  half  of  it  in in one  corner and  24  hrs  later I think  they  were  fighting  over  it.

Week 3

Most  stuff  was  disappearing  so  I added  more  of  what  I  had...pepper and  avocado.
There were also  more  cocoons  than I had  seen before..over  half  a  dozen.
The  newspaper was  also  being  chewed  up.
A day  later  the  peppers and  avocado  had  gone  mouldy!

I  discovered a rotten  mango  so  that  got  thrown in.

I  neglected  to  comment  on a  deformed  2 tailed  worm that  I noticed a  couple  of  weeks  ago,  that  didn't  run away as  normal when the  paper was  lifted  up.  That was  until  I  realised what  was  going on!!

There were  some  other  discoveries  this  week
Uncommonly,    when I  lifted the  newspaper  up, although getting  chewed and  tatty, It  fell open somewhere in the  middle to  reveal  dozens  of  juvenile  worms and  a  large Tiger  worm,  all nestled  in the  middle  of the  tabloid and  in no hurry  to  run away.
A  nursery  is all  I  could  describe  it  as.....clearly  it  wasn't  but  it  is  a  nice  thought.
They  stayed there for  a  couple  of  days  and  moved  on

George  Pilkington gives  his  worms  Horse  Manure as  a treat,  I  think  it  is  the  equivalent  of  worm Viagra!

The  peppers  were  being  eaten but  the  mouldy  avocado  was  not  touched  nor the  mouldy mango.....mmmm dangerous mould?
Then....mouldy  worms!!
Oh  NO!  I  killed  them!!
My  eyesight  is  not  good for small  things,  so...macro  on the  camera.

There are  mites  crawling  on the  worm at the  top  left  of the  avo.

An  explosion of  mites,  apparently  this  can happen under the  right  conditions.  White  ones are  dominating ,  there are  red  ones as well.

By  the  end  of  the  week the  mites were  worrying  me,  the  worms  were not  touching  the  avo or the  mango  at  all.  I  always saw worms on the  surface and  there were always a  few  if  I poked around,  but  to  satisfy  my  own curiosity  I  put  on gloves and  had  a  complete  'furtle'. through the  whole  of  the  box and  right  down to  the  paper on the  bottom.

Although  I  hated disturbing  them,  I  really  needed  to  know  what  was there.

In  their  hundreds..all  hiding  away!  Masses  of  them. Also  the  bedding  was  consistent  all  the  way  to  the  bottom.
put  it  back  together  with the  stuff  back  on the  top  and  resolved to  let  them settle  down again.

It  weighs  14kg  now.

Week 4

Things  have  settled  down after  my  assault  last  week.
I  put in a  soft  pear  on its  last  legs.
The  temperature inside the tray  has  been nearly  up  to  20C from the  sun in my  kitchen, so  I resolved this  week to  put  it  outside in the  sun, to  see what  would  happen.
It  got  up  to  25C,  which  I think  is  OK,  however..that  night........................

The  "teenagers" were having  a  Lionel  Richie discotheque.... (Dancing  on the  ceiling)
there were dozens  of  juvenile,  not  babies,  all over the  sides and  the roof. It  was damp and at  20C.
They  were  not  trying  to  escape and  they were all the  same  size. whether they  were  exploring  or playing  in the  moisture  I  don't  know,  but  they  tended  to do it every night, as evidenced  from all the  castings  on the  sides and   roof (lid).

By  the  end  of  the  week I  couldn't  catch  them at  it  anymore.


Charlie  is  such  a  good  lad. He  takes  a very  special  interest  in the  worms and makes sure  that  none  escape........Well I  haven't  lost  any  yet!  But  he  isn't  very  hungry  lately?.......mmmm


Only  joking!
Charlie  eats  these

These are  Morio Worms,  they  bite and  are  subject  to  another  breeding  programme  I  have.
A  bit  cleaner  than Vermicomposting  but  orders  of  magnitude  more  difficult........Stop  waffling  Larry!

At  the  beginning  of  the  week  I  put  in half  a  cabbage, which  had  been in the  fridge  for  2  weeks...yuk. I  boiled  it  put  it  in whole!
Not  12  hours and  it  was crawling  with  worms.
6  days  and  gone!
The  pear  has  not  been touched? ....strange.

I  got  sick  of   looking  at soggy  Avo  shells and  mites,  so  yesterday  I chucked  in the  remains  of  the  horse  manure, into  the  halves and the rest onto  the  bed.
True  to  form,they  have  nearly  demolished the  manure  on the  bed,  I await  with  baited  breath for them to  attack  the Avo. ( and  maybe  the  pear!)
Bottom left  is used  bran from the  morio worms.

Somewhere  in the  digital labrynth  of  this  PC are  some  interesting  photos  I  took. Post  them when I  find  them.

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